How Can We Help?

Covid Policy

If you are experiencing any symptoms or/and think you may have been exposed, please stay home! Contact us to reschedule, or send a friend! 

Clients of Minor Age

Studios service minors under the age of 18 with written consent (Minor Consent Form & Client Intake Form) from a parent or guardian prior to performing the massage. Parents/Guardians must remain in the building during the entire session.

What Are The Benefits Of Massage?

Even if you don’t have a specific health issue, massage therapy can provide many benefits, such as:

  • Increased circulation
  • Stimulation of the lymph system, the body's natural defense against toxic invaders
  • Release of endorphins, the body's natural painkiller and antidepressant
  • Improved range of motion and decreased discomfort associated with lower back pain
  • Relaxation of injured and overused muscles
  • Reduced muscle spasms and cramping
  • Increased joint flexibility
  • Help recover from strenuous workouts
  • Pain relief from migraines
  • Reduce post-operative adhesions and edema, as well as reduced scar tissue
  • Calmer mind and spirit

What Should I Do After a massage?

Drink water, spend some time alone or in nature to process anything that may come up. Take it easy and rest.

Massage, although healing, is a controlled trauma and does create microtears in the muscle to encourage faster healing.